Information Before You Apply

To obtain disability-related accommodations and services through DRES, students can apply online via the Application For DRES Services and then upload their documentation or submit appropriate documentation through mail or fax. The DRES secure fax number is 217-244-0014 and the mailing address is 1207 S. Oak, Champaign, IL 61820. For questions, please contact DRES by phone at 1-217-333-1970 or by email,

Students are required to provide diagnostic documentation from a licensed clinical professional familiar with the history and functional implications of their respective disabilities, consistent with the published Documentation Requirements of the University of Illinois.

To enhance the obtainment of aids or accommodations by the start of a semester, the student or prospective student who believes he or she will need assistance to participate in course work must complete and submit the Application for Services and appropriate documentation to DRES as soon as possible, preferably at least six (6) weeks before the first day of classes. This will allow the applicant and the DRES staff a reasonable period of time in which to determine appropriate accommodations, and to identify resources in a timely manner.

Students with disabilities are encouraged, but not required, to register with state rehabilitation agencies, the Veteran’s Administration, or similar agencies in order to obtain the full range of auxiliary aids and services to which they might be entitled. To locate the state Rehabilitation Services Office closest to you, contact the IDHS helpline at 1-800-843-6154.

DRES will insure that disability-related documents are kept confidential and shared with University personnel only on a very limited and need-to-know basis. Registration with DRES is confidential and the student’s academic record is not flagged in any way.

DRES and the student with a disability will discuss the interaction between the disability and the academic environment in order to determine reasonable academic adjustments and modifications.

Degree-seeking students registered for services with DRES receive priority registration for classes each semester. This affords students a greater opportunity to arrange a preferred academic schedule in order to accommodate specific disability-related concerns. It also allows time for DRES students who use text conversion, video captioning, ASL interpreting and Typewell/CART services more time so that these services can be implemented, as many take weeks to put in place.