
Students often inquire about special campus parking arrangements in response to temporary illnesses and injuries or permanent disabilities. The following information is provided to assist students in understanding their disability-related special parking options.

For students who need parking in more than one location

  • Valid out of state disability permits may park in designated disabled spaces, which have not been assigned, but are not exempt from parking fees or time limitations.
  • State of Illinois issued Meter-Exempt placards (yellow and gray striped) are issued by the State of Illinois to persons with permanent disabilities who have a significant impairment causing difficulty accessing a parking meter. This placard EXEMPTS the authorized holder from payment of parking meter fees and time limitations, except at meters or signs with time limitations of 30 minutes or less. All other State of Illinois and out of state disability permits, permanent or temporary, DO NOT exempt authorized holders from payment of parking meter fees or time limitations.
  • Individuals who would like to obtain the placards/plates should obtain forms for this purpose from the Office of the Illinois Secretary of State for their physicians to complete (these forms can be obtained from the Illinois Secretary of State website). Completed forms should be taken to the nearest driver’s license office where placards will be distributed. For those with temporary disabilities, the placards are good for 6 months

For students who need accessible parking at the residence halls

  • Accessible parking in residence hall lots is handled by the Housing Division. Students should contact their residence hall office to make parking arrangements.

For students requesting a reserved space in a specific lot

  • Students with temporary disabilities (i.e., a condition which is expected to last less than one semester) do not need to register with the Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) as a student with a disability. Instead, McKinley Health Center (MHC) or your doctor can document temporary disabilities and send students directly to Facilities and Services Parking Department for temporary accessible parking privileges.
  • The Parking Department may issue temporary parking privileges without documentation from DRES or MHC to students with obvious disabilities (e.g. casts, crutches, or other mobility aids). However, the Parking Department reserves the right in all cases to request documentation of the disability from a physician.
  • Students with permanent or long-term temporary disabilities which will require a parking accommodation for a semester or longer, must register with DRES before receiving accessible parking. After registration and verification of disability, DRES provides students with documentation to take to the Parking Department as verification of special parking needs.
  • Designated rental lots for permit holders have accessible, specially marked spaces which are for the use of people who normally rent in those lots. These are signed 24hr. with handicap designation and are, however, not for student use.
  • Students who require reserved spaces in specific lots must pay the regular rental rate in the lot they are requesting (as do all other renters in that lot). However, the Parking Department will mark such spaces as “Reserved 24 hours a day. These spaces are assigned through the Parking Department as available.
  • Parking spaces will be assigned on the basis of what is currently available in requested lots. Current renters will not be made to move for students with disabilities. Each student who requests a reserved spot will be handled on an individual basis by Campus Parking so that the best possible arrangement can be made. In some instances, parking meters on the street are used for accessible parking needs.

Campus Parking Questions

Specific questions about campus parking policies at the University should be addressed to the Division of Campus Parking at 333-3530.